miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

A good book

hi everyone I again with a new post
i got to say I am not a good reader but if I got to choose one book I choose " Nombre de torero" by Luis Sepulveda.  I have read this book like fifteen times and I enjoy every time in every part of the book. I choose this book because the first time to I readed this book I am eleven years old and its argument, its caracters and the places was one of the greatest  experiences in my life because I really imagined all that places and the actions and the golden coins, and the treasures of the second world war etc. I choose this book because every time I read this book again i feel like a child reading and imagine things in his mind like a movie  and the book its short but a really good hooby when you like the mistery, treasures and pursuit of the maffia, travels around the world, and like a chilean can change the history of the wolrd with bravery and sacrifice. Maybe is not a very elaborate book or to leave you a lesson or a great message, but the story is one of the most entertaining I've read in my life. If you are bored at home and have the afternoon off this book you'll want to stop hallucinations and take the first flight to Zurich or the first ship out to Patagonia or search of the treasures that remained after the war of 1945.

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